Google Translate will support 110 new languages, the company said. The service has supported 133 languages ​​so far, so the latest update, which Google called its most significant ever, marks a major leap.

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«Translate was helped to learn new languages ​​by Google’s large language model PaLM 2 – it did particularly well with closely related languages, such as “those close to Hindi, such as Awadhi and Marwadi, and French Creole languages, such as Seychellois Creole and Mauritian Creole,” the company said.

Google Translate’s list of new languages ​​includes Cantonese, which has “long been one of the most popular languages” on the platform. Finding data to train the model was challenging because it overlaps heavily with Mandarin in writing. Another quarter of the new languages ​​come from Africa. Most of the new languages ​​have at least a million speakers, and in some cases, hundreds of millions.

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