Smart technology from Taiwanese company HOBOT often visits our test lab. For example, last year we introduced you to the HOBOT-R3 Ultrasonic window cleaner — the relevance of this model has not diminished in the least over the past time. Testing HOBOT technology has always left us with positive impressions of quality and reliability. We are confident that the new HOBOT-S6 Pro will not change the traditions formed over the 14 years of the brand’s existence, and at the same time will offer something new and unique.


⇡#Especificações e equipamentos

Speaking of traditions. The HOBOT-S6 Pro model continues the ideas of such devices as the HOBOT-268, HOBOT-288 and HOBOT-298 Ultrasonic 2S — portable square-shaped robots. The new product has acquired a unique cleaning module with two polishing cloths. This is the first robot cleaner in its class. Plus, the HOBOT-S6 Pro has two integrated ultrasonic cleaning liquid sprayers. Other characteristics of the device are listed in the table below. We also recommend watching the video.

The basic operating principle of the HOBOT-S6 Pro is exactly the same as other models of smart window cleaners. Using a vacuum pump, a vacuum is created between the cleaning surface of the robot and the glass. Literally a few kilograms of force (several tens of Newtons) are enough for such a device to stick tightly to the glass. The design of the hero of the review is equipped with a Japanese inverter vacuum motor Nidec. According to the manufacturer, it is highly efficient and has an increased service life of over 20,000 hours.

The HOBOT-S6 Pro package includes the following accessories:

  • An external 100 W power supply and a 4-meter extension cable for it (the total cable length is 5 meters);
  • Limpador especial com volume de 220 ml;
  • Controle remoto e pilhas AAA para ele;
  • Operating instructions, a quick setup guide for the device, a warranty card and a catalogue of HOBOT products;
  • 2 pairs of additional microfiber cleaning cloths (6 pieces in total);
  • Dois aspersores ultrassônicos sobressalentes.

As you can see, the window cleaner comes with everything you need to operate the device, out of the box. You can control the robot using the HOBOT LEGEE app, available in both the App Store and Google Play. The device can provide feedback using voice comments. Moreover, in the HOBOT app, you can change the default messages to your own.

HOBOT-S6 Pro works both in dry and wet window cleaning modes. Instead of cleaning fluid, you can use distilled water. Only distilled! A 220 ml bottle of cleaning fluid at the time of writing cost 400 rubles on the manufacturer’s website. The HOBOT-S6 Pro has a low consumption of cleaning agent – one bottle will last a long time.

At the time of writing, we did not find any cleaning wipes suitable for the hero of today’s review on sale. But they will definitely appear.

⇡#Características de design

Window washers are a technique that will not surprise regular readers of 3DNews. And therefore, the appearance of the HOBOT-S6 Pro can be safely called classic. When looking at the robot from above, you can see an almost perfect square, but in height, the body has much more complex shapes. The device is made entirely of plastic. The upper part of the body is assembled mainly from white glossy polymer, the lower part is made of matte black plastic. Externally, the HOBOT-S6 Pro looks strict, but at the same time attractive.

The central part of the body — the “hump” — is made in the form of a handle with recesses on the sides, by which the device can be taken in hand, moved, installed on the window and removed from it. The handle is wide and does not have a through hole for a more tenacious grip. On the edges of it there are small holes through which air is blown out. Here is the only “start-stop” button, a color indicator is integrated into it. In principle, the HOBOT-S6 Pro can be used without a remote control and a mobile application – in this case, the washer will move along the surface in the default mode.

The LED indication together with the sound signals has more than 10 messages – their detailed decoding is given in the operating instructions. Thus, the lighting of the green indicator tells us about the fully charged battery of the robot. Be sure to charge the HOBOT-S6 Pro before use.

The design of the HOBOT-S6 Pro is almost symmetrical. The power switch is located on the right side of the case. Yes, the hero of the review works only in wired mode. The length of the power supply cable together with the extension cord is 5 meters. If for some reason the power supply is interrupted during washing, the built-in UPS is activated. Its charge is enough to hold the device aloft for 20 minutes. If at this moment the robot is “stuck” somewhere above and you can’t reach it, you need to carefully pull it towards you using a safety rope.

The power cable connector is connected to the washer tightly, secured with a retaining ring with a threaded connection.

The safety rope must be attached to something very strong and reliable during operation of the device. For example, to the radiator of the heating system in the room. Its length is 4.5 m. The manufacturer informs that the rope can withstand a load of 230 kg, while the weight of the robot is only 1.65 kg.

For obvious reasons, you will not use the HOBOT-S6 Pro during the rain – the washer is not designed for this. Therefore, the robot’s body is not equipped with any moisture protection. The manufacturer also does not recommend using the device near sources of strong magnetic radiation.

Along the edges of the body there are tanks for filling with cleaning liquid or distilled water. The tanks are combined with ultrasonic sprayers. The filling holes are equipped with rubber plugs. It is easy to guess that the liquid is sprayed in two directions – left and right. The manufacturer recommends additionally moistening the napkins before washing. Note that the liquid should not get into the air ducts. According to HOBOT, the sprayed liquid turns into a thick fog with the smallest particles of 15 microns. This ensures unrivaled cleaning results, does not leave streaks and saves water or detergents. However, we will check this soon.

The volume of each tank is 26 ml, the maximum permissible filling level is indicated on the body itself. The tanks are easy to remove and service. Replacing the ultrasonic atomizers is also easy.

The lower part of the HOBOT-S6 Pro body is made in the form of two rectangular movable platforms. When the electric motor is running, they are attracted to the main body of the device – a vacuum is formed inside the perimeter of the cleaning cloth, with the help of which the washer is held on the glass. The movable platforms themselves move up and down at a frequency of 600 times per minute – as shown in the illustration below.

The window cleaner is very easy to maintain. In fact, you only need to change the wipes and fill it with cleaning liquid. And nothing more.

Microfiber cleaning cloths are attached to the moving platforms using Velcro. Convenient and practical. Even after many washes, the Velcro does not lose its properties. The cloths must be installed carefully – so that they do not block the vacuum sensors that determine the edge of the glass surface.

The area of ​​the cleaning cloths is 26 × 26 cm2. The minimum size of the surface to be cleaned is 50 × 50 cm. Window corners are cleaned with 80% efficiency. This is an excellent indicator. No smart cleaner cleans corners 100%.

The robot moves along a vertical surface using a pair of rubber tracks. It is very important that there is sufficient friction between the track and the glass (even if it is dirty). The tracks of the HOBOT-S6 Pro must be kept clean and washed in a timely manner. Otherwise, the robot will slide in place or even slide down the glass. We will definitely check how this works with the new product later. For now, we will note that the robot travels one square meter in 2.6 minutes.

⇡#Controle do robô de lavagem

The robot cleaner can be controlled using the remote control and the HOBOT LEGEE app.

The remote control is equipped with several keys. With its help the consumer can:

  • Ligar e desligar a pulverização automática de líquido de limpeza, bem como ativar a função de pulverização única de detergente;
  • Select the device operating modes;
  • Switch to manual control of the robot’s movement;
  • Stop washing;
  • Run a two-pass surface cleaning program.

All these functions are also available in the HOBOT LEGEE application. The localization of the program is well done. In addition to duplicating the functions of the remote control, the program allows you to:

  • Atualize o firmware da lavadora;
  • Renomear dispositivo;
  • “restaurar as configurações de fábrica do robô;”
  • Selecione o idioma do aplicativo e do assistente de voz;
  • Gravar suas mensagens de voz;
  • “Ajuste o volume do alto-falante.”

O aplicativo também irá lembrá-lo de carregar seu dispositivo uma vez a cada três meses, caso não o use regularmente.

⇡#Robô de limpeza no trabalho

HOBOT-S6 Pro moves along three routes, activated using the remote control and the HOBOT LEGEE app. When the device is installed vertically, the following options are available:

  • «”Up” – the robot moves up, then moves down in a Z-shaped motion.
  • «”Left” – the robot moves to the left, then moves down in a Z-shaped motion.
  • «”Right” – the robot moves to the right, then moves down in a Z-shaped motion.

As you can see, one or another route of the washer is suitable for a certain type and size of window. When installing the HOBOT-S6 Pro horizontally, Z-shaped movements are replaced by N-shaped ones – nothing changes in principle, however. A schematic illustration of the washer’s movement is shown in the picture below.

Modos de operação do robô de limpeza

The robot cleaner was tested in a 2-room apartment. During the test, the HOBOT-S6 Pro washed all the windows in the room from the outside and inside. The manufacturer claims that the device is quite suitable for working on uneven surfaces. The robot requires minimal preparation to start working, as it is supplied assembled – a couple of cleaning wipes are already attached to the platforms. All we have to do is pour cleaning agent or distilled water into the tanks, and check the battery charge. During long-term storage, it is necessary to charge the robot’s battery once every three months.

Connecting HOBOT-S6 Pro to the mobile application, checking the current firmware and updating it takes a couple of minutes.

At the beginning of the wash, the HOBOT-S6 Pro, mounted vertically on the glass, determines the minimum width of the window. Then the robot rises to the very top and then descends using Z-shaped movements. At the end, the washer once again goes around the entire surface, moving up and down. You can find a full recording of the window washing process at the link.

HOBOT-S6 Pro is far from the first window cleaner we have tested. Keep in mind one very simple thing: do not expect miracles from such devices. Such robots will not cope with very heavy dirt without additional help. For example, they will not remove stains of dried paint from the glass surface; from stuck and dried leaves; from lumps of dirt brought by heavy rains – here you definitely cannot do without scraping and polishing the surface using solvents and other reagents. Some dirt cannot be removed in one pass of the robot. On heavily soiled windows, dirt forms when mixing detergent or water with dust. In such a situation, we recommend first dry cleaning and only then wet cleaning.

Don’t worry, the HOBOT-S6 Pro has a great suction cup. We were sure that we wouldn’t need a safety rope (and yet, you shouldn’t neglect safety rules) — HOBOT devices have an excellent reputation for reliability. When working with a washer, it is advisable to position it correctly on the glass surface — the robot should be fixed at a distance of about 10 cm from the edge of the frame. In this case, the device will correctly detect the window frame and go over the entire area. The default mode is considered to be lifting the robot up the glass and then moving it down in a zigzag pattern.

The photos on the left are the windows before washing, on the right are the windows after washing.

The dirtiest windows in the apartment are on the balcony, as this side of the house is located opposite the asphalt road, not the yard. As a result, all the road and car dirt settles in a thick layer on the glass of the balcony windows. They were last thoroughly washed in April. The dimensions of each balcony window are 150 × 50 cm.

The photo shows that the washer did a good job – the windows became noticeably cleaner. The view through the glass objectively became brighter and richer. We got this result after two passes of the robot on each side. The washer completed one pass of the window in about 6 minutes. The declared noise level of the device corresponds to reality. The HOBOT-S6 Pro feels as noisy as many floor robot vacuum cleaners.

Here are some more facts about the work of a washer:

  • Before each power-on, the voice assistant will briefly tell you about the precautions you need to take.
  • We would rate the volume of the built-in speaker as high. Voice assistant messages are clearly audible – even from the next room.
  • Two vibrating cloths neutralize the electric charge from the glass, preventing further attraction and settling of dust from the air onto the surface. That is, with a robot you wash your windows less often than without it.
  • The amount of sprayed liquid can be adjusted depending on the humidity in the room: the higher the humidity, the less water is needed to clean the glass without streaks and streaks.

No window cleaner will clean the corners of double-glazed windows with a frame completely. Here you will have to work with your hands. However, square-shaped robots probably get into corners and edges better than other models.

After the robot’s power supply is turned off, a voice notification will be activated (very loud and insistent) indicating that the washer has lost power.

Below is a napkin after four passes, above is after hand washing in cold water with soap

One of the advantages of HOBOT-S6 Pro is the almost complete absence of streaks on the glass after washing. Because the cloths constantly vibrate during operation. And yet, as the microfiber gets dirty, streaks will appear – this means that it is necessary to install clean cloths.

Dirty napkins are easy to clean. Just arm yourself with a piece of laundry soap and wash them by hand in water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees Celsius.

The manufacturer strongly recommends not to use HOBOT-S6 Pro during rain and in very high humidity. In such conditions, for example, it is difficult to ensure the robot’s movement on a vertical surface. To conduct an experiment, we generously sprayed a glass window with a spray bottle. The result was predictable: the HOBOT-S6 Pro tracks began to slip – the robot rolled down.

Use the washer in dry weather.

Finally, the hero of the review copes well with washing frameless windows and other surfaces. HOBOT-S6 Pro cleaned the mirror in the children’s room without any problems, the vacuum sensors worked clearly, not allowing the device to leave the safe zone.


It seems that window cleaners are becoming more and more popular – more and more different models are appearing on the market. This means that there is a certain demand for this category of goods. Smart window cleaners are still far from the popularity of robot vacuum cleaners. But we also clean our apartments more often – almost every day. Among window cleaners, the HOBOT-S6 Pro acts as a kind of flagship, since it uses all the latest developments of the company. The hero of the review washes windows well, and the vibrating cloths do not leave streaks. The cleaner is easy to operate, and even easier to maintain. This robot will certainly not be an expensive toy, but a useful tool in the hands of those for whom the cleanliness of windows is really important. I think that the owners of large cottages, large summer cottages, spacious offices and spacious stores will understand us.

Smart technology from Taiwanese company HOBOT often visits our test lab. For example, last year we introduced you to the HOBOT-R3 Ultrasonic window cleaner — the relevance of this model has not diminished in the least over the past time. Testing HOBOT technology has always left us with positive impressions of quality and reliability. We are confident that the new HOBOT-S6 Pro will not change the traditions formed over the 14 years of the brand’s existence, and at the same time will offer something new and unique.


⇡#Especificações e equipamentos

Speaking of traditions. The HOBOT-S6 Pro model continues the ideas of such devices as the HOBOT-268, HOBOT-288 and HOBOT-298 Ultrasonic 2S — portable square-shaped robots. The new product has acquired a unique cleaning module with two polishing cloths. This is the first robot cleaner in its class. Plus, the HOBOT-S6 Pro has two integrated ultrasonic cleaning liquid sprayers. Other characteristics of the device are listed in the table below. We also recommend watching the video.

The basic operating principle of the HOBOT-S6 Pro is exactly the same as other models of smart window cleaners. Using a vacuum pump, a vacuum is created between the cleaning surface of the robot and the glass. Literally a few kilograms of force (several tens of Newtons) are enough for such a device to stick tightly to the glass. The design of the hero of the review is equipped with a Japanese inverter vacuum motor Nidec. According to the manufacturer, it is highly efficient and has an increased service life of over 20,000 hours.

The HOBOT-S6 Pro package includes the following accessories:

  • An external 100 W power supply and a 4-meter extension cable for it (the total cable length is 5 meters);
  • Limpador especial com volume de 220 ml;
  • Controle remoto e pilhas AAA para ele;
  • Operating instructions, a quick setup guide for the device, a warranty card and a catalogue of HOBOT products;
  • 2 pairs of additional microfiber cleaning cloths (6 pieces in total);
  • Dois aspersores ultrassônicos sobressalentes.

As you can see, the window cleaner comes with everything you need to operate the device, out of the box. You can control the robot using the HOBOT LEGEE app, available in both the App Store and Google Play. The device can provide feedback using voice comments. Moreover, in the HOBOT app, you can change the default messages to your own.

HOBOT-S6 Pro works both in dry and wet window cleaning modes. Instead of cleaning fluid, you can use distilled water. Only distilled! A 220 ml bottle of cleaning fluid at the time of writing cost 400 rubles on the manufacturer’s website. The HOBOT-S6 Pro has a low consumption of cleaning agent – one bottle will last a long time.

At the time of writing, we did not find any cleaning wipes suitable for the hero of today’s review on sale. But they will definitely appear.

⇡#Características de design

Window washers are a technique that will not surprise regular readers of 3DNews. And therefore, the appearance of the HOBOT-S6 Pro can be safely called classic. When looking at the robot from above, you can see an almost perfect square, but in height, the body has much more complex shapes. The device is made entirely of plastic. The upper part of the body is assembled mainly from white glossy polymer, the lower part is made of matte black plastic. Externally, the HOBOT-S6 Pro looks strict, but at the same time attractive.

The central part of the body — the “hump” — is made in the form of a handle with recesses on the sides, by which the device can be taken in hand, moved, installed on the window and removed from it. The handle is wide and does not have a through hole for a more tenacious grip. On the edges of it there are small holes through which air is blown out. Here is the only “start-stop” button, a color indicator is integrated into it. In principle, the HOBOT-S6 Pro can be used without a remote control and a mobile application – in this case, the washer will move along the surface in the default mode.

The LED indication together with the sound signals has more than 10 messages – their detailed decoding is given in the operating instructions. Thus, the lighting of the green indicator tells us about the fully charged battery of the robot. Be sure to charge the HOBOT-S6 Pro before use.

The design of the HOBOT-S6 Pro is almost symmetrical. The power switch is located on the right side of the case. Yes, the hero of the review works only in wired mode. The length of the power supply cable together with the extension cord is 5 meters. If for some reason the power supply is interrupted during washing, the built-in UPS is activated. Its charge is enough to hold the device aloft for 20 minutes. If at this moment the robot is “stuck” somewhere above and you can’t reach it, you need to carefully pull it towards you using a safety rope.

The power cable connector is connected to the washer tightly, secured with a retaining ring with a threaded connection.

The safety rope must be attached to something very strong and reliable during operation of the device. For example, to the radiator of the heating system in the room. Its length is 4.5 m. The manufacturer informs that the rope can withstand a load of 230 kg, while the weight of the robot is only 1.65 kg.

For obvious reasons, you will not use the HOBOT-S6 Pro during the rain – the washer is not designed for this. Therefore, the robot’s body is not equipped with any moisture protection. The manufacturer also does not recommend using the device near sources of strong magnetic radiation.

Along the edges of the body there are tanks for filling with cleaning liquid or distilled water. The tanks are combined with ultrasonic sprayers. The filling holes are equipped with rubber plugs. It is easy to guess that the liquid is sprayed in two directions – left and right. The manufacturer recommends additionally moistening the napkins before washing. Note that the liquid should not get into the air ducts. According to HOBOT, the sprayed liquid turns into a thick fog with the smallest particles of 15 microns. This ensures unrivaled cleaning results, does not leave streaks and saves water or detergents. However, we will check this soon.

The volume of each tank is 26 ml, the maximum permissible filling level is indicated on the body itself. The tanks are easy to remove and service. Replacing the ultrasonic atomizers is also easy.

The lower part of the HOBOT-S6 Pro body is made in the form of two rectangular movable platforms. When the electric motor is running, they are attracted to the main body of the device – a vacuum is formed inside the perimeter of the cleaning cloth, with the help of which the washer is held on the glass. The movable platforms themselves move up and down at a frequency of 600 times per minute – as shown in the illustration below.

The window cleaner is very easy to maintain. In fact, you only need to change the wipes and fill it with cleaning liquid. And nothing more.

Microfiber cleaning cloths are attached to the moving platforms using Velcro. Convenient and practical. Even after many washes, the Velcro does not lose its properties. The cloths must be installed carefully – so that they do not block the vacuum sensors that determine the edge of the glass surface.

The area of ​​the cleaning cloths is 26 × 26 cm2. The minimum size of the surface to be cleaned is 50 × 50 cm. Window corners are cleaned with 80% efficiency. This is an excellent indicator. No smart cleaner cleans corners 100%.

The robot moves along a vertical surface using a pair of rubber tracks. It is very important that there is sufficient friction between the track and the glass (even if it is dirty). The tracks of the HOBOT-S6 Pro must be kept clean and washed in a timely manner. Otherwise, the robot will slide in place or even slide down the glass. We will definitely check how this works with the new product later. For now, we will note that the robot travels one square meter in 2.6 minutes.

⇡#Controle do robô de lavagem

The robot cleaner can be controlled using the remote control and the HOBOT LEGEE app.

The remote control is equipped with several keys. With its help the consumer can:

  • Ligar e desligar a pulverização automática de líquido de limpeza, bem como ativar a função de pulverização única de detergente;
  • Select the device operating modes;
  • Switch to manual control of the robot’s movement;
  • Stop washing;
  • Run a two-pass surface cleaning program.

All these functions are also available in the HOBOT LEGEE application. The localization of the program is well done. In addition to duplicating the functions of the remote control, the program allows you to:

  • Atualize o firmware da lavadora;
  • Renomear dispositivo;
  • “restaurar as configurações de fábrica do robô;”
  • Selecione o idioma do aplicativo e do assistente de voz;
  • Gravar suas mensagens de voz;
  • “Ajuste o volume do alto-falante.”

O aplicativo também irá lembrá-lo de carregar seu dispositivo uma vez a cada três meses, caso não o use regularmente.

⇡#Robô de limpeza no trabalho

HOBOT-S6 Pro moves along three routes, activated using the remote control and the HOBOT LEGEE app. When the device is installed vertically, the following options are available:

  • «”Up” – the robot moves up, then moves down in a Z-shaped motion.
  • «”Left” – the robot moves to the left, then moves down in a Z-shaped motion.
  • «”Right” – the robot moves to the right, then moves down in a Z-shaped motion.

As you can see, one or another route of the washer is suitable for a certain type and size of window. When installing the HOBOT-S6 Pro horizontally, Z-shaped movements are replaced by N-shaped ones – nothing changes in principle, however. A schematic illustration of the washer’s movement is shown in the picture below.

Modos de operação do robô de limpeza

The robot cleaner was tested in a 2-room apartment. During the test, the HOBOT-S6 Pro washed all the windows in the room from the outside and inside. The manufacturer claims that the device is quite suitable for working on uneven surfaces. The robot requires minimal preparation to start working, as it is supplied assembled – a couple of cleaning wipes are already attached to the platforms. All we have to do is pour cleaning agent or distilled water into the tanks, and check the battery charge. During long-term storage, it is necessary to charge the robot’s battery once every three months.

Connecting HOBOT-S6 Pro to the mobile application, checking the current firmware and updating it takes a couple of minutes.

At the beginning of the wash, the HOBOT-S6 Pro, mounted vertically on the glass, determines the minimum width of the window. Then the robot rises to the very top and then descends using Z-shaped movements. At the end, the washer once again goes around the entire surface, moving up and down. You can find a full recording of the window washing process at the link.

HOBOT-S6 Pro is far from the first window cleaner we have tested. Keep in mind one very simple thing: do not expect miracles from such devices. Such robots will not cope with very heavy dirt without additional help. For example, they will not remove stains of dried paint from the glass surface; from stuck and dried leaves; from lumps of dirt brought by heavy rains – here you definitely cannot do without scraping and polishing the surface using solvents and other reagents. Some dirt cannot be removed in one pass of the robot. On heavily soiled windows, dirt forms when mixing detergent or water with dust. In such a situation, we recommend first dry cleaning and only then wet cleaning.

Don’t worry, the HOBOT-S6 Pro has a great suction cup. We were sure that we wouldn’t need a safety rope (and yet, you shouldn’t neglect safety rules) — HOBOT devices have an excellent reputation for reliability. When working with a washer, it is advisable to position it correctly on the glass surface — the robot should be fixed at a distance of about 10 cm from the edge of the frame. In this case, the device will correctly detect the window frame and go over the entire area. The default mode is considered to be lifting the robot up the glass and then moving it down in a zigzag pattern.

The photos on the left are the windows before washing, on the right are the windows after washing.

The dirtiest windows in the apartment are on the balcony, as this side of the house is located opposite the asphalt road, not the yard. As a result, all the road and car dirt settles in a thick layer on the glass of the balcony windows. They were last thoroughly washed in April. The dimensions of each balcony window are 150 × 50 cm.

The photo shows that the washer did a good job – the windows became noticeably cleaner. The view through the glass objectively became brighter and richer. We got this result after two passes of the robot on each side. The washer completed one pass of the window in about 6 minutes. The declared noise level of the device corresponds to reality. The HOBOT-S6 Pro feels as noisy as many floor robot vacuum cleaners.

Here are some more facts about the work of a washer:

  • Before each power-on, the voice assistant will briefly tell you about the precautions you need to take.
  • We would rate the volume of the built-in speaker as high. Voice assistant messages are clearly audible – even from the next room.
  • Two vibrating cloths neutralize the electric charge from the glass, preventing further attraction and settling of dust from the air onto the surface. That is, with a robot you wash your windows less often than without it.
  • The amount of sprayed liquid can be adjusted depending on the humidity in the room: the higher the humidity, the less water is needed to clean the glass without streaks and streaks.

No window cleaner will clean the corners of double-glazed windows with a frame completely. Here you will have to work with your hands. However, square-shaped robots probably get into corners and edges better than other models.

After the robot’s power supply is turned off, a voice notification will be activated (very loud and insistent) indicating that the washer has lost power.

Below is a napkin after four passes, above is after hand washing in cold water with soap

One of the advantages of HOBOT-S6 Pro is the almost complete absence of streaks on the glass after washing. Because the cloths constantly vibrate during operation. And yet, as the microfiber gets dirty, streaks will appear – this means that it is necessary to install clean cloths.

Dirty napkins are easy to clean. Just arm yourself with a piece of laundry soap and wash them by hand in water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees Celsius.

The manufacturer strongly recommends not to use HOBOT-S6 Pro during rain and in very high humidity. In such conditions, for example, it is difficult to ensure the robot’s movement on a vertical surface. To conduct an experiment, we generously sprayed a glass window with a spray bottle. The result was predictable: the HOBOT-S6 Pro tracks began to slip – the robot rolled down.

Use the washer in dry weather.

Finally, the hero of the review copes well with washing frameless windows and other surfaces. HOBOT-S6 Pro cleaned the mirror in the children’s room without any problems, the vacuum sensors worked clearly, not allowing the device to leave the safe zone.


It seems that window cleaners are becoming more and more popular – more and more different models are appearing on the market. This means that there is a certain demand for this category of goods. Smart window cleaners are still far from the popularity of robot vacuum cleaners. But we also clean our apartments more often – almost every day. Among window cleaners, the HOBOT-S6 Pro acts as a kind of flagship, since it uses all the latest developments of the company. The hero of the review washes windows well, and the vibrating cloths do not leave streaks. The cleaner is easy to operate, and even easier to maintain. This robot will certainly not be an expensive toy, but a useful tool in the hands of those for whom the cleanliness of windows is really important. I think that the owners of large cottages, large summer cottages, spacious offices and spacious stores will understand us.

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